Our 1st birthday!

Number of children covered by distance adoption
We collected so many backpacks for children in the savannah in Kenya
We have sent to a new mission in Tanzania

We have our first birthday!

Exactly one year ago our Foundation was registered! It was a beautiful but very difficult time for us.
Today, we really have something to celebrate, and much has been done during this time. We started with distance adoptions, where today the project includes 40 children! We organized Christmas in Côte d’Ivoire (Operation can of milk), we collected over 200 backpacks for children in the savannah in Kenya, we sent over 12,000 zlotys to start a new mission in Tanzania, together we managed to raise funds for the construction of a school for children from the Samburu tribe, within a few days we collected money for the small Fanta operations, and we are also in the process of implementing the project – Incubator. We can say that we have begun to crawl now and next years will be even better! Our birthday would not have been possible without your help and sacrifice – thank you very much!

